About Us
The Victorian Square Dancing Association Inc. is the Square Dancer's representative body in Victoria.
There are approximately 30 clubs inVictoria and these are run either by
a Caller (Square Dancing) or Cuer (Round Dancing)
or in some cases, by the Club members who employ the Callers and Cuers.
There are also two other representative bodies in Victoria -
Victorian Callers Association Inc. (representing the interests of the Callers)
Round Dance Association of Victoria (representing the Round Dancers and Cuers)
The V.S.D.A. currently runs 3 functions per year, those being:
The V.S.D.A.Members Dance - August: "Free" entry for Member's
The V.S.D.A. Annual November Dance - November: usually a Supper Dance
The V.S.D.A. Victorian State Convention - March: a 3 or 4 day weekend of dancing